researchers warn: “Information security continues to be ignored by top
managers, middle managers, and employees alike.
The result of
this neglect is that organizational systems are far less secure than they might
otherwise be and that security breaches are far more frequent and damaging than
is necessary”
In order to
strengthen the level of protection of information in the organization, those
responsible for that information must begin with an understanding of the
threats facing the information, and then must examine the vulnerabilities
inherent in the systems that store,
process, and
transmit the information possibly subjected to those threats. The first part of
this strategy is the identification of the dominant threats facing
organizational information security, and the ranking of those threats in order
to allow organizations to direct priorities accordingly.
What is a deliberate act?
Deliberately it is an adverb that is used to refer to what is
done deliberately. This means that these are actions developed on purpose, with
intention. ... The fact that an act is deliberate or not, in short, has to do
with the planning and intentionality of the subject.
• hacker or
trusted insider steals information and demands compensation for its return
• example:
- theft of data files containing customer credit card information
- theft of data files containing customer credit card information
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